During the debates of the Second Vatican Council one prelate after another addressed the Fathers of the Council in fluent Latin. That they did so is hardly surprising, for Latin remained the living language of the Roman Catholic Church. … [Read more...]

About Dr. Mark J. Clark
Dr. Mark J. Clark is an associate professor in the department of classical and early Christian studies at Christendom College in Front Royal, Virginia, where he teaches Latin as a living language. He received his PhD from Columbia University in 2002, and his articles on the Bible and theology in the Middle Ages have appeared in a variety of journals, including, among others, Traditio, Recherches de Theologie et Philosophie Medievales, Sacris Erudiri, and Revue Benedictine.
Bringing back Latin
December 1, 2009 by Dr. Mark J. Clark
Filed Under: Articles Tagged With: education, Latin, translation, Vatican II
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