Three Mary’s at the Christ’s tomb by Bouguereau
Blessed Easter to you!
And, please, know that you will all be remembered at Mass this Easter Season.
What a wonder, what a truth, what a feast! Today, all death is destroyed and every longing is fulfilled. In his infinite mercy, the Lord, as one of us, has chosen to save us: descending down into each of our lives, into every human ache, into every human moment of pain, confusion, crucifixion and death. But now, all has been redeemed; all is now being glorified. The Light descended into the darkness, and although at times, the abandonment of Good Friday continues in the Mystical Body, today, we realize that the Light will not be conquered. The Church is in fact saved!
The Holy Father guides us, saying:
In the resurrection, the Son of God has emerged as the Light of the world. Christ is the great Light, from which all life originates. He enables us to recognize the glory of God, from one end of the earth, to the other. He points out our path. Here is the Lord’s day which, as it grows, is gradually spreading throughout the earth. Now, living with him and for him, we can live in the light.
So, on this Easter day, we catch a glimpse of the entire work of the Son’s incarnation: for we see how our weakness is now caught up in his power; our mortality by his eternal life; our pain by his triumph; our tears by his joy; our doubt by his assurance. Before the empty tomb, all is reconciled; and all makes sense. We have not been consumed by God’s infinity, but instead: released, freed, made fully human, as sin and death must no longer hold any reign over us. We have been liberated from all the chains we have used to imprison and limit ourselves; all bonds of death are here broken.
We must, therefore, celebrate. We must, therefore, rejoice:
Resurrexit, sicut Dixit. Alleluia!
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