Prayer as the Fountain of Faith

Prayer is the latch that opens the window to God’s mysterious beauty and brings fresh air to our soul. Without the breath of prayer, faith suffocates. A daily practice of prayer stabilizes us against winds of deceit. Prayer liberates us f … [Read more...]

Pope Benedict XVI Has Found What He’s Been Looking For

In a relatively recent children’s animated movie sequel, “Sing 2” (yes, the sequel to Sing!), the producers succeeded in getting the famous lead singer “Bono” (from the band U2) to be the voice for the main hero of the movie. Bono is voice-o … [Read more...]

On Prayer: Mine and Yours

A Reflection and a Poem

St. Luke doesn’t tell us who asked the question.[1. St. Luke 11:1.] I take that to mean that it could have been any one of Jesus’ followers that day in Judea. “Teach us to pray” — that was the question. Just as a follower follows, this disci … [Read more...]

Some Reflections on the Spiritual Life for the Lockdown

With much of our ordinary life still affected by the lockdown, it can be harder than ever to keep our heart fixed on the Lord and his divine providence. Rather than prayer, spiritual reading, contemplation and encouraging others, we may … [Read more...]

Questions Answered

Question: Can you explain to me just what is referred to as the “dark night of the soul” in the mystical life? Should all Christians experience these? Answer: The question of the dark night of the soul is central to any description of th … [Read more...]

More than Sentinels Wait for the Dawn

A Soldier Ponders the Wounds of War and the Absence of God

I’ve had it, Chaplain. My right leg still hurts like hell from the shrapnel, and God only knows when the drugs will kick in. But physical pain is one thing; thinking about the insurgents I killed in that firefight last deployment bothers me … [Read more...]

Prayer as the Wellspring for Positive Transformation

As long as we are faithful to prayer, we maintain a clarity of vision that promotes higher ideals and elevated standards of conduct.  ... The more we pray, the more its fruits nourish our daily lives. John Chrysostom once wrote: “Prayer i … [Read more...]