Lent: In Search Of the One and the Real

Lent, the great and holy fast, comes upon us again. It is a season of promise and peril. Promise, because we are invited to anticipate in ourselves the paschal mystery, whereby human nature is healed and elevated. Peril, because we risk … [Read more...]

On the Lord’s Prayer

When the dawn appears, When the light grows, When midday burns, When has ceased The holy light, When the clear night comes; I sing your praises, O Father, Healer of hearts, Healer of bodies, Giver of … [Read more...]

Conscience as Relationship, Part I

General Principles and Personal Experience

As regards the discernment of what is actually good amidst the multitude of the many possible goods arising out of the “results of physics, genetics, and neuroscience, as well as of increasingly powerful computing capabilities, [and the] p … [Read more...]

Evil as Good and Good as Evil

“Woe to those who say evil is good and good is evil . . .” (Isaiah 5:20) The response of a person who has their conscience pricked will range from one of irritation to annoyance, impatience, anger, and, depending on the state of the ind … [Read more...]

Circumcision and the Crucifixion

When God Almighty called to that man Abram, inviting him to live in a covenant with the Lord, He asked Abram to do a very curious thing to himself, to his people, and to his descendants as a sign of that covenant: to circumcise the flesh of … [Read more...]

Our Lenten Imitation of Christ

Editorial for March, 2014

...Lent is a time of imitating Christ ... a plan to follow Christ, led by the Spirit, to wherever he desires to take us.    For the Church’s Season of Lent this year, Pope Francis has invited us all to reflect on the significance of 2 Cor … [Read more...]