Thomas Storck

About Thomas Storck

Mr. Thomas Storck is the author of The Catholic Milieu (1987), Foundations of a Catholic Political Order (1998), Christendom and the West (2000) and numerous articles and reviews on Catholic culture and social teaching. He is a member of the editorial board of The Chesterton Review and holds an MA from St. John's College, Santa Fe, New Mexico. Many of his writings can be found online at

The Catholic Faith Is Not a Noble Lie

What is needed is a real debate on religious questions providing a rational public apologetic for the faith. For we were not following fictitious tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we had … [Read more...]

St. Thomas and Chesterton on law, human and divine

Both St. Thomas and Chesterton were aware that human laws do not always conform to the natural and eternal laws.

It was not Zeus who gave the order, And Justice living with the dead below Has never given men a law like this. Nor did I think that your pronouncements were So powerful that mere man could override The unwritten and unfailing laws of … [Read more...]

NFP: A Defense and an Explanation

What are the conditions according to which one may use NFP without offending Almighty God?

When is it licit for a married couple to use natural family planning (NFP)? What are the conditions according to which we may use this method without offending Almighty God? This will be my subject in this article both with reference to … [Read more...]