Owen Vyner

About Owen Vyner

Owen Vyner is the director of marriage and family life at Our Lady of Loreto Parish in Foxfield, Colorado. He has a BA in history and political science from the University of Western Australia, a Graduate Diploma of Education from the University of Notre Dame (Australia) and a Master of Theology degree from the John Paul II Institute for Marriage & Family (Melbourne). He is currently pursuing a Licentiate in Sacramental Theology at the Liturgical Institute (Mundelein). His wife Terri and he are the parents of a baby girl from Korea.

The Liturgy and Divine Adoption

God has predestined us to be adopted sons and daughters, an invitation made in and through his Son, by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. It is pure gift,  completely and freely bestowed upon man as a grace, and received in b … [Read more...]

The sacrament of baptism as a participation in the death of Christ

To be baptized in Christ is to be baptized into his death as well as his Resurrection.

The Easter season is ultimately a time for rebirth, expressed most dramatically at the Easter Vigil by the life-giving waters of baptism. To impart new life, however, baptism must destroy the old life of sin and our fallen aversions to … [Read more...]