Fr. Dylan Schrader

About Fr. Dylan Schrader

Fr. Dylan Schrader is a priest of the Diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri, and a student of theology at Catholic University of America.

The Ascension Today

Christianity moves. As we ponder so often in the Gospels, Christ gathers and sends out, he forms and confers a mission. The mystery of the Lord’s ascension into heaven manifests the grand vertical dynamism that comprehends all such h … [Read more...]

A Reflection on the Gifts of the Glorified Body

From the turmoil over sexual orientation and gender identity, to the questions of abortion and euthanasia, the significance of the body for human identity and well-being is before our eyes as much as it ever was. In Veritatis Splendor, Pope … [Read more...]

What Is the Right to Religious Freedom?

The most fundamental right in the area of religion is that which should be attributed to God, what we owe to God. God is absolutely sovereign.   Catholics of the United States are more than ever asserting a right to religious freedom, … [Read more...]

The HHS Mandate: Is it a Religious Liberty Issue?

Some Catholics (and others) have couched their objection to the recent HHS mandate in terms of religious liberty. Their focus has been on the unreasonably narrow definition of what constitutes a religious organization, and on the lack of a … [Read more...]

Homilies for May 2012

Fifth through the Seventh Sunday of Easter, the Ascension and Pentecost

For Sunday Liturgies and Feasts Your Relationship with Christ is the only True Religion Purpose: The only true religion is a relationship with Jesus Christ.  The whole of our Christian faith is contained here: the love of  God and the l … [Read more...]

The Ignorance of Christ?

“When did Jesus know that he was God?” We are not surprised when children and adults in our parishes, who have a healthy curiosity about their faith, ask this question. It is a good question that grows out of a desire to get to know Jesus be … [Read more...]